Launching a digital product and unsure how to get everyone onboard? 

Digital change activation

Initiating Transformation Confidently

Successful digital transformation hinges on securing stakeholder buy-in from the beginning. Our Strategic Change Activation service is designed to ensure robust engagement, investment, and support from the onset of your digital transformation initiatives.

We use a comprehensive approach that considers all facets of the transformation process, from rapid prototyping to navigating risks and impacts, developing compelling business cases and crafting well-thought-out adoption plans. It’s not just about utilizing new digital tools, but about integrating these tools into the workflows, culture, and dynamics of your organization to achieve a successful business transformation.

Our Approach

ACTIVATE the digital change

We employ a variety of strategies to accomplish this. One such strategy involves rapid prototyping, which serves to bring products to life and stimulate participation and interest. Additionally, we navigate through any legal and administrative red tapes, removing obstacles and accelerating project timelines.

Generating enthusiasm for new digital tools requires more than just showcasing their features – it’s about demonstrating their strategic value. Therefore, we leverage our expertise to craft compelling business cases that effectively communicate the value and benefits of these tools, thereby promoting internal advocacy.

Lastly, recognizing that every innovation is more than just a tool, it comes with an adoption plan. We create comprehensive, well-thought-out adoption plans that considers not only the technical aspect of the tool, but also the people and processes involved. This holistic approach encourages user buy-in and ensures that our innovation is seamlessly integrated into the workflows, culture, and dynamics of the organization, ultimately driving successful business transformations.

We employ a variety of strategies to accomplish this. One such strategy involves rapid prototyping, which serves to bring products to life and stimulate participation and interest. Additionally, we navigate through any legal and administrative red tapes, removing obstacles and accelerating project timelines.

Generating enthusiasm for new digital tools requires more than just showcasing their features – it’s about demonstrating their strategic value. Therefore, we leverage our expertise to craft compelling business cases that effectively communicate the value and benefits of these tools, thereby promoting internal advocacy.

Lastly, recognizing that every innovation is more than just a tool, it comes with an adoption plan. We create comprehensive, well-thought-out adoption plans that considers not only the technical aspect of the tool, but also the people and processes involved. This holistic approach encourages user buy-in and ensures that our innovation is seamlessly integrated into the workflows, culture, and dynamics of the organization, ultimately driving successful business transformations.

Our portfolio

Our PAst Projects

We have supported sevaral companies by driving change from a centralised office, ensuring standards in change outputs, and linking communications across multiple internal projects.
Get in touch


Discover how to create momentum in your organization by understanding your current state of readiness, identify gaps and opportunities to be future-ready. Contact us today and have a conversation with us.

At Change Voyage, we specialize in managing organizational, team, and individual change. 

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